[day 3]
- 食堂でも留学生と一緒
- ワークショップ05
- ワークショップ06
In the morning, we gave a speech about the future group members. I was surprised at high motivation for dramas of my group members. After lunch, each group made the last presentation, "What e learned through this camp." Everybody looked to be accustomed to speaking in front of people.
Now, I'm surprised at what a meaningful time we have had. I can't believe that I have been in depression before leaving school. I was often shocked at weakness of my English skill because some of Otemae H.S students can speak English very well.
But it made me decide to be a good English Speaker. This camp must have greatly changed my mind. I deeply thank all the members, Handai students, and Otemae teachers. (1年F)
Today was the last day of this camp, so we presented about my future and what can I do if I study abroad. I was very nervous. I could consider about my future by listening to the presentation of my group students. Then, we did a final presentation about what we learned from this program. I could learn many things but especially, I am no longer afraid of making mistakes in English. I was able to speak English with many Osaka University students. This camp was a very good experience because I could learn differences between Japan and foreign countries, and I improved my English skills. (1年T)
[day 2]
English Camp 2日目、今日はグループごとに大阪大学大学院の留学生のプレゼンテーションを聞き、その内容を他のグループにポスターセッションで発表するというアクティビティーを行いました。留学生たちは自国の文化や教育制度、自分が研究していることについてまとめたスライドを用意してくれていて、普段の英語の授業ではなかなか登場しない専門的な用語も交えながら発表をしてくれました。内容的には非常に難しいところもありましたが、大手前生たちは積極的に質問してその内容を理解し、留学生にアドバイスをもらいながらポスターを完成させ、自分の言葉でその内容を紹介することができました。
- ワークショップの風景02
- ワークショップの風景03
- ワークショップの風景04
- レクリエーション 01
- レクリエーション 02
夕食後もワークショップは続きます。明日のはじめに行う個人でのプレゼンテーション"My dream, My Future ~"に向け、留学生にアドバイスをもらいながら夜10時近くまで頑張って原稿を練っていました。
I could speak English with Osaka University students by the sea. I could hear their country's special animals, and it was interesting for me. For example, there are many snakes in South Africa.
Also I learned Brazil and Vietnam's education. In Brazil, students must wear light clothes because Brazil is hot all day and not winter. The speech surprised me and I knew Japanese school uniform is good for students again. (1年U)
I was worried whether I could get up early, but I could get up at six. I went to the beach with my friends and it was really beautiful. However, I forgot to bring a coat, so it was cold. Then, we learned about Handai University students and made poster about them. After that, we did a presentation with the poster each other. At night, we prepared for tomorrow's presentation. I want to success my presentation. (1年K)
[day 1]
本日よりEnglish Camp 2019が国立淡路島青少年交流の家にてはじまりました。
Today we had very nervous situations. For example, conversation with bus partner, spending time with new friends, introducing ourselves in front of foreign people of course only in English. I'm not good at speaking English, and so I was afraid of it. However, I tried as hard as possible. I hope that I become to be able to speak with big voice and smile. When I introduced myself, I couldn't speak frequently. And also, I think my English was wrong, but all of members heard me with smile. I'm sure that I can enjoy this program. (1年N)
I have never experienced such a day that I talked and talked with so many first time people. It was very hard for me, but I felt happy when I was able to tell about myself. I could enjoy communication with my friends. first time people and the Osaka University students in English. I laughed so much today. I realized that we can enjoy conversation even in English like in Japanese. I'm very tired now but I'm also going to enjoy tomorrow! (2年M)
- 大阪大学にて留学生と合流
- 入所式でも英語で挨拶
- ワークショップの風景01